If you know someone who is using Molly, you may be wondering: what is Molly? Molly is just one of many names for a party drug that people often use at raves, concerts, and festivals. While some users take Molly without concern for the consequences, this drug presents serious risks. Not only is Molly illegal, it can cause severe health problems and even lead to an addiction.
What is Molly?
Molly is a street name for the drug ecstasy or MDMA. Molly is a stimulant and is also a synthetic drug. People typically take Molly as a way to increase energy and distort sensations.
Individuals use Molly in a number of ways, but the most common form is in tablet or capsule form. Users may also take Molly in liquid form or inhale it as a powder. Many people mistakenly believe that Molly is a pure form of the drug, while ecstasy is cut with other substances. In reality, a lack of regulation means that all forms of the drug may be mixed with dangerous substances. There’s no way to judge potency.
What are the Side Effects of Using Molly?
Taking Molly just once can lead to a number of unpleasant side effects. One dose, which may last for about three hours, can cause muscle cramps, chills, and nausea. Since it’s a stimulant, many of the body’s functions speed up. This leads to an increase in body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Molly can also cause blurred vision and involuntary teeth clenching. While most of the worst side effects are physical, Molly can result in psychological problems after just one dose. Taking Molly can make you feel anxious or paranoid, and in some cases, it can cause vivid hallucinations.
How Does a Molly Addiction Develop?
Using the drug can lead to a drug addiction. Taking Molly once means that there’s a rush of serotonin to the brain. The next day, when serotonin levels drop, users typically feel awful.
That rise and fall of serotonin make people want to get a rush again from Molly. They might look forward to the next use, and then the next. Regular use might lead to an increased tolerance for the drug. That, in turn, can quickly become a dependence on Molly.
How Can Users Overcome an Addiction to Molly?
Despite the addictive nature of Molly, recovery from addiction is possible. The key is finding the right resources, tools, and support in a quality rehab center. At Crestview Recovery, clients are able to participate in a comprehensive treatment program that addresses physical symptoms and underlying issues. Some of the most effective treatment methods include:
What is Molly?
It’s a drug that can cause serious health, financial and legal problems, not to mention addiction. Fortunately, a rehab program at Crestview Recovery in Portland, Oregon, can help you get on track to better health. Call 866.262.0531 to take back control over your life right away.
Since 2016, Dr. Merle Williamson, a graduate of Oregon Health Sciences University, has been the Medical Director at Crestview Recovery, bringing a rich background in addiction medicine from his time at Hazelden Treatment Center. He oversees outpatient drug and alcohol treatments, providing medical care, setting policies, detox protocols, and quality assurance measures. Before specializing in addiction medicine, he spent 25 years in anesthesiology, serving as Chair of Hospital Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and Chief of Anesthesia at Kaiser Permanente. This experience gives him a unique perspective on treating prescription drug addiction.