Vicodin and Teeth Extractions

Vicodin and Teeth Extractions: The Real Risks You Need to Know

Each year, dental surgery professionals remove an estimated 10 million wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Unlike other teeth in the mouth, wisdom teeth are deep-rooted. Removal may cause a few days of intense pain. Because Vicodin and teeth extractions of this nature are very common, many patients find themselves faced with either taking prescribed…

connection between bipolar disorder & drug abuse

The Shocking Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Drug Abuse

Are bipolar disorder and drug addiction related? Whenever a person with a mental health concern is taking legal or illegal drugs, treatment centers like Crestview Recovery are available to provide assistance if their medication stops working or they become unable to manage their medication. We provide care for people with a primary mental health diagnosis,…

how dangerous is fentanyl

How Dangerous Is Fentanyl?

Those who want to know how dangerous is fentanyl typically look for answers online. You can find accurate information in reports from agencies such as the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA). A NIDA report states that nearly 50 percent of opioid overdose deaths in 2016 involved fentanyl. That’s how dangerous fentanyl is. The statistics suggest…

etizolam vs xanax

Etizolam vs. Xanax

Presently, anxiety disorder is one of the most widespread mental illnesses. In fact, the ADAA estimates that 18 percent of our population suffers from anxiety and needs anxiety treatment. Therefore, nearly 40 million Americans worry excessively about life stresses. Fortunately, several kinds of anxiety medications can be prescribed to improve well-being. For example, two such…

is meth physically addictive

Is Meth Physically Addictive?

Is meth physically addictive? When it comes to the most habit-forming substances, methamphetamine is near the top of the list. The highly addictive narcotic results in many devastating effects on physical and emotional health, even after just short-term use. The majority of people who develop a meth dependence will require high-quality addiction treatment programs to…