woman feeling the symptoms of drug withdrawal

What Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Are Like

Many people who struggle with addiction want to stop using drugs. However, they’re afraid of the withdrawal symptoms. This is an understandable fear. Drug withdrawal symptoms can be agonizing. Every drug produces different withdrawal symptoms. Individuals also experience withdrawal differently. Understanding withdrawal is important if you’re trying to quit or helping a loved one through…

woman smiling and overcoming addiction

Overcoming Addiction Through Rehab

Much like cancer, addiction is a chronic disease. It affects the brain and progresses unless you treat it. Overcoming addiction is possible with the assistance of therapy. Typically, people struggling with a substance use problem boost their odds of beating the disease with rehab. If you would like to overcome addiction, it is important to…

man writing on clipboard explaining types of addiction

Explaining the Different Types of Addiction

When people hear the word “addiction,” many automatically think of illegal substances such as cocaine or heroin. The truth is that there are many types of addictions, even to legal substances such as alcohol or prescription medication. Here at Crestview Recovery, we help people suffering from all types of addiction get the help they need…

woman holding hands of another while explaining more about portland drug treatment centers

Explaining More About Portland Drug Treatment Centers

Currently, there are thousands of people living in the Pacific NW who need addiction treatment. Unfortunately, most of these people will never seek help. Others will receive sub par treatment at a local facility and then face multiple rehab admissions before fully achieving lifelong sobriety. Individuals can avoid this frustrating journey by seeking quality treatment…