music therapy for addiction

Music Therapy Facts

Reconnecting with music is a vital component of addiction recovery. There are different types of therapies with proven results in helping people during drug and alcohol rehabilitation. With various options from which to choose, music therapy facts seem baffling. Studies show that this form of treatment provides many positive results. A person can experience significant emotional,…

The Holistic therapy Definition

The Holistic Therapy Definition You Should Know

Holism is a psychological approach emphasizing the importance of considering a person as a whole rather than a combination of individual characteristics, habits, beliefs, and chemicals. A holistic approach at a holistic rehab center considers behavior to be a contextual and integrated experience rather than a simple combination of biology and environment. What Is a…

Vicodin and Teeth Extractions

Vicodin and Teeth Extractions: The Real Risks You Need to Know

Each year, dental surgery professionals remove an estimated 10 million wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Unlike other teeth in the mouth, wisdom teeth are deep-rooted. Removal may cause a few days of intense pain. Because Vicodin and teeth extractions of this nature are very common, many patients find themselves faced with either taking prescribed…

people discussing dual diagnosis treatment in longview wa

Common Co-Occurring Disorders at a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Near Longview WA

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately 50% of people who have severe mental health disorders also have drug addiction issues. In addition, 37% of people who abuse alcohol and 53% of people with drug addiction problems have at least one mental health disorder. These statistics lead to the need for dual diagnosis…

experiential therapy activities

Experiential Therapy Activities

Left untreated, mental health and substance use disorders worsen and can make it difficult, if not impossible, to live a normal life. Experiential therapy activities are common tools during treatment. Experiential therapy in Portland, Oregon, uses methods of expression, such as dancing, in order to help you share your thoughts and feelings. Mental Health Concerns…

do i need dual diagnosis treatment for mental health & substance use

5 Tips for Finding Dual Diagnosis Treatment Near Spokane

For those that are battling substance use issues and mental illness, dual diagnosis treatment in Spokane, Washington, offers comprehensive care. They offer specialized strategies, approaches, and programs that treat both conditions side by side. Overall, 7.9 million adults in the United States in 2014 had both a substance use disorder and a mental health diagnosis.…

connection between bipolar disorder & drug abuse

The Shocking Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Drug Abuse

Are bipolar disorder and drug addiction related? Whenever a person with a mental health concern is taking legal or illegal drugs, treatment centers like Crestview Recovery are available to provide assistance if their medication stops working or they become unable to manage their medication. We provide care for people with a primary mental health diagnosis,…