A teenage boy suffering from teen depression

Depression and Drug Abuse in Teens: What You Should Know

Treating teen depression is essential for teens whose symptoms are impacting their development and education. The teenage years can be especially difficult for teens as they grow and experience new sensations and feelings. If they don’t understand their emotions or have difficulty fitting in with others, it can lead to depression, which can negatively impact…

A man who knows the answer to the question, "What are process addictions?"

What are Process Addictions?

People associate addiction with drug and alcohol use. However, it’s actually more widespread than that. For example, there are things like process addictions. What are process addictions? They are the lesser-known forms of addiction that focus more on psychological compulsion than actual physical dependence. If you or a loved one has a process addiction, please…

Man who knows the answer to the question, "What is alcohol dementia?"

What Is Alcohol Dementia?

According to research by The National Center for Biotechnology Information, 95% of people who frequently drink alcohol are at risk of alcohol dementia. Lots of people globally are battling alcohol addiction either in their homes, colleges, or workplace and are in need of an alcohol addiction rehab center. What Is Alcohol Dementia? This is a condition…