a man sits on the edge of his bed and wonders is alcohol a drug

Is Alcohol a Drug?

You can buy it at the grocery store. You can fuel up your car, walk inside the gas station, and pick up a six-pack. So, is alcohol a drug? Yes, in fact, it’s the drug that the world currently accepts the most. Understanding the Makeup of a Drug Because of alcohol’s widespread popularity across virtually…

a man sits against the windows and wonders what is lean

What is Lean?

In the teen years and early adulthood, one mature activity that too many young people mirror is alcohol consumption. Recently, young people have started making dangerous cocktails. One popular cocktail is lean drink, also known as sizzurp or purple drank. So what is lean and why is it so dangerous? What is Lean? The trick…

a woman holds her head as she debates oxycodone vs hydrocodone treatment

Oxycodone vs Hydrocodone: Similarities and Differences

In the oxycodone vs hydrocodone debate, there are plenty of similarities. Both medications require a physician’s prescription. Each one works as a painkiller for acute as well as chronic pain. More importantly, both drugs present with a high addiction and abuse potential. Opioid Addictions Show Dramatic Increases in the United States Prescription drug addiction is…

a man asks his doctor for drug addiction help

Why Drug Addiction Help is Necessary for Recovery

If you or a loved one struggles with drug addiction, you know what destruction the disease can cause. Addiction compromises both mental and physical health. It also puts a strain on personal and professional relationships, induces financial problems, and increases one’s risk of experiencing legal troubles. If you’re caught in the cycle of drug addiction,…

a woman begins the enrollment process at drug and alcohol rehab

What Drug and Alcohol Rehab Is Like

Not knowing what to expect is one of the scariest parts of attending a drug rehab center. People fear the unknown, and going to a rehab center is no different. What should people expect from a drug and alcohol rehab facility? It’s important for them to learn that rehab centers aren’t places to fear. Before…

a man smiles as he enjoys sober living

What is a Sober Living Center?

The transition from rehab to the real world isn’t always an easy one. Many people find it intimidating and scary. This intimidation often leads people to relapse and start using drugs again. Thankfully, sober living is a rehab program that can help them avoid the endless cycle. What Is Sober Living? Many rehab centers offer…

a woman holds her head in her hand as she considers the relapse definition

Relapse Definition and Information

Because addiction is a chronic brain disease, a cure is impossible. Its progressive nature underscores the urgent need for treatment. Like other chronic illnesses – examples include diabetes and asthma – occasional relapse can and does happen. But what type of behavior falls under the relapse definition? What is a Relapse? The following situation is…

a man and his wife ask a therapist how to stop drinking

How to Stop Drinking Today

Figuring out how to stop drinking isn’t always as easy as many people think. Because of this, there’s sometimes a stigma surrounding alcoholism. The common misconception is that if you’re experiencing negative consequences as a result of drinking, you can just stop. If you’re reading this and struggle with alcoholism, you know that it’s easier…

a man talks to his doctor about family addiction treatment

Family Addiction Treatment

Addiction not only affects the user but also his or her family. Unfortunately, not everyone truly understands addiction. In fact, some people still think of it as a lack of willpower or control. However, it’s a mental disorder that requires addiction treatment. Moreover, family addiction treatment can be beneficial for everyone in the familial unit.…