man sitting against a wall wondering what is substance use

What Is Substance Use?

Substance use is a growing problem across the nation. Despite this, many people still ask, “What is substance use?” People often use substance use and addiction interchangeably. However, the two aren’t exactly the same. Substance use is what leads to addiction. It’s also important to note that it isn’t a victimless activity. It hurts the…

woman standing and looking out of the window at a residential treatment center

What Are Residential Treatment Centers Like?

While considering drug or alcohol treatment, you may wonder what committing to a facility is like. Medical professionals often recommend that people start off by going to a residential treatment center to begin the process. If you’ve never been to treatment or this type of program, you might wonder what residential treatment centers are like.…

young woman with her hands over her face thinking about her signs of addiction

Signs of Addiction

Individuals who struggle with addiction show apparent signs of addiction. Still, for people who know a loved one has a dependency problem, it isn’t always easy to know what to do. People describe watching a person struggling with addiction as a train wreck since it’s difficult to watch, and most feel helpless. The best thing…

man wonders how to help an alcoholic while he tries comforting his friend

How to Help an Alcoholic

Trying to help an alcoholic is a noble goal, but it isn’t always easy. Knowing how to help an alcoholic properly can ensure that you do the most good for a friend or family member. Explore how to help and what to avoid on your quest to help loved ones achieve sobriety. Understand the Nature…

young man holds a glass of liquor as he wonders if he is developing an alcohol dependence

How Alcohol Dependence Develops

Casual alcohol consumption is an integral part of many cultures. Individuals frequently begin drinking at a very young age. It’s hard to find one high school student who hasn’t experienced an episode of binge drinking by the time he or she is a senior. In some countries, people can drink at a younger age than…

girl sits down with her head down thinking about drug addiction treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment Information

Today, we spend a lot of time reading reviews and finding out more about whatever we’re getting ready to do. People want to know if the restaurant they’re going to serves dishes they like and if a store sells items they want. When looking for a way to overcome your substance use problems, you should…

woman sitting with a bottle of pills wonders what is opioid addiction

What is Opioid Addiction?

In today’s modern world, the topic of addiction is nothing new. On a worldwide scale, drug and alcohol abuse has been an ongoing problem since practically the beginning of time. Recently, however, prescription drug addiction—specifically opioid addiction—has skyrocketed to become one of the country’s most common afflictions. Exactly what is opioid addiction? What is Opioid…

worried young woman sitting down wonders what causes drug addiction

What Causes Drug Addiction?

It’s not always easy to pinpoint what causes drug addiction. Sure, it’s easy to understand why young people might experiment with mind-altering substances during their adolescent years. After all, it’s during this time that most of us try to discover more about ourselves and the world around us. But what about the adults who continue…

a bottle of pills begs the question is vicodin an opioid

Is Vicodin an Opioid?

Is Vicodin an opioid? Are you an individual fighting an uphill battle against Vicodin addiction? Have you tried to stop, but found it impossible to get through the intense withdrawal symptoms on your own? Many people who wish to get clean fail when the withdrawal symptoms become too much to bear. Thus, the cycle of…