woman looking at the meth wondering about effects of meth

The Effects of Meth Addiction

When it comes to addiction struggles, meth is one of the biggest problems. It’s very pervasive, and often easy to find. That means more people are turning to it than ever before, and it’s becoming an epidemic in a lot of locations. If you need substance use rehab Portland Oregon can be the right choice for getting…

a man drinking coffee wondering what is salvia

What Is Salvia?

Although salvia is not one of the most popular drugs in the world, a growing number of teens and adults are abusing it. As a result, more and more individuals are asking, “what is salvia, and how does it affect me?” While no known deaths or overdoses have occurred due to the drug, salvia drug…

how to stop smoking weed

How to Stop Smoking Weed

When you started smoking weed, it may have seemed like the fun or socially-acceptable thing to do among your peers. But like all addiction, there’s a time when it stops seeming fun. On the contrary, it just seems like an expensive habit. It’s slowly damaging your lungs, memory and more. It’s painful when you cough.…

is vicodin an opiate

Is Vicodin an Opiate?

Is Vicodin an Opiate? Yes, it is. Vicodin contains two active ingredients: hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The reasons why patients take Vicodin is to reduce or eliminate pain. When taken as prescribed by a doctor, there are typically no side effects to Vicodin. However, research has shown that Vicodin is extremely addictive and can lead to…

Dangerous Effects of Adderall

Adderall is a legitimate medication that helps people who struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Over the years, though, people who don’t have ADHD have found ways to abuse this drug. Below is more information about the dangers of Adderall. First, it’s important for people to know the dangers of abusing this drug before…

a group of patients discussing a suboxone treatment plan

Suboxone Treatment Plan

If you are reading this then that means that you or someone you care about is in the fight of their lives. Maybe even a fight for their life. If that battle is with opiate addiction then they will need all the help that they can get, even if they are you. It doesn’t matter if you need a…

a man looking out the window wondering do i have an addictive personality

Do I Have An Addictive Personality?

Are you wondering do I have an addictive personality? Understand your personality can be difficult without a second opinion or a set of guidelines to determine how you behave. This is especially important if you believe that you have addictive tendencies or an addictive personality. Knowing the differences between addictive substances vs. having an addictive…

a pile of pills but what is vicoprofen

What Is Vicoprofen?

Several medications exist that help patients with pain. While many people may be familiar with Vicodin and Percocet, there is another drug that is just as potent —Vicoprofen. What is Vicoprofen? This is a narcotic pain medication that can lead to addiction. In these cases, a Vicoprofen addiction treatment center in Portland, Oregon is necessary. Let’s take…

what is carfentanil

What Is Carfentanil?

With all the many new drugs coming and going on the streets, it can be difficult to keep up with everything. People who are caught up in the drug epidemic may take drugs without really knowing what they are or what their original intent was for. The dangers of taking drugs are compounded by not…