A man rests his head on his arms and stares at a glass of alcohol while he thinks about quitting drinking

Quitting Drinking Today

Alcohol has caused problems in your relationships and on the job. You’re ashamed of the way you act when drunk. However, quitting drinking sounds painful. If you can’t envision yourself without the drug, here’s what you need to know. An Alcohol Use Disorder has Three Stages What makes quitting drinking so tricky is that it’s…

man with shot glass and head on table needs help for alcoholics

Where Can I Find Help for Alcohol Addiction?

When people struggle with alcohol addiction, they often feel like they’re alone. There are many places that offer help for alcohol addiction. To find assistance, you have to know which kind of treatment methods are available. It’s also important for friends and family to know how to spot signs of alcohol abuse in loved ones.…

symptoms of addiction infographic

Symptoms of Addiction [Infographic]

Addiction is a brain disease that can quickly become fatal. However, not everyone who has this disease is aware of it. Many people believe that they can keep drinking or using drugs without any consequences. Recognizing some symptoms of addiction can give you the tools you need to tell whether you have a problem. These…

man doing yoga discovers how to get sober

How to Get Sober Safely

When you’ve been drinking for a long time and are stuck in the cycle of alcoholism, getting sober can seem like a daunting task. Factor in withdrawal symptoms and the psychological ramifications and everything can feel even more difficult. Fortunately, when you’re ready to learn how to get sober, there are resources available to you.…

the most abused prescription drugs laid out on a table

Top 5 Most Abused Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse is a huge problem in the United States. For this reason, people ask, “What are the most abused prescription drugs?” The top prescription drugs that people abuse change every year. However, the five drugs on this list are always toward the top. Most Abused Prescription Drugs The drugs in the list below…

What is molly? | Crestview Recovery

What Is Molly?

If you know someone who is using Molly, you may be wondering: what is Molly? Molly is just one of many names for a party drug that people often use at raves, concerts, and festivals. While some users take Molly without concern for the consequences, this drug presents serious risks. Not only is Molly illegal,…

Adderall and alcohol | Crestview Recovery

Adderall and Alcohol Interactions

Adderall is a stimulant drug, and alcohol is a depressant. While they’re very different substances, many users consume both at the same time or on the same day. This can be a problem since it’s unsafe to use Adderall and alcohol together. Explore the interactions between these substances, how addictions to either or both can…

Man passed out with drink in his hand displays alcoholic symptoms

3 Alcoholic Symptoms You Should Recognize

Alcohol might be a legal and socially acceptable substance, but it can still wreak havoc on people’s lives. Alcohol addiction is a serious concern, and the best way to fight back against it is with professional help. Before you can get help, however, you’ll need to identify alcoholism. Here are three alcoholic symptoms that can…