A group of people engaged in substance use group therapy activities

Substance Use Group Therapy Activities Can Help You Succeed

Getting help for substance use is very valuable. One of the ways to get good advice is through interaction with others who are facing the same issues. Substance use group therapy activities can be an essential part of that interaction. While experts recommend individual therapy, many people who are facing substance use issues enjoy their…

Man experiencing the effects of cocaine use

Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a schedule II drug that physicians occasionally prescribe for its stimulant properties. Users may abuse cocaine for its rapid-onset high, but there are also several adverse effects of cocaine. These effects are physical and psychological, and they can be both long and short-term. Do you need to know more about cocaine addiction rehab?…

Woman wondering, "How long do Adderall withdrawal symptoms last?"

How Long Do Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

One of the main reasons why people don’t seek rehab for Adderall addiction is because they’re afraid of withdrawal. Fearing withdrawal is normal because of the discomfort that it causes. However, people can take comfort in the fact that withdrawal doesn’t last forever. If that’s the case, how long do Adderall withdrawal symptoms last? And…

substance use group topics

Substance Use Group Topics

Rehab provides you the opportunity to attend therapy groups. It’s an invaluable opportunity. However, are you curious to know what goes on in group therapy? For example, what are some substance use group topics or recovery group topics you might discuss at a substance use treatment center? Process Group Topics and Themed Groups in Rehab…