Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

Every person on the planet gets anxious sometimes. From an evolutionary perspective, a certain amount of anxiety helps keep us alive. However, excessive, persistent, irrational nervousness about everyday situations is a dominant force in nearly every aspect of their lives for people with anxiety disorders. Types of anxiety disorders include the following: Generalized anxiety disorder…

What Is Psychotherapy

What Is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a way to help people struggling with a broad range of mental health and emotional concerns. Psychotherapy can help people manage troubling symptoms and improve their quality of life. Over time, therapy can improve well-being, self-awareness, and communication skills. If you are struggling with your mental health and…

observing world mental health day

Observing World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed every year on October 10. More than 100 countries participate in World Mental Health Day by sharing information about mental health and advocating for people to seek mental health treatment. However, supporting people in need of mental health treatment is an ongoing discussion that requires care and compassion. Crestview…

Do I Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Use

Do I Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Use

Chemical dependence and mental health concerns are interwoven. Sometimes medications that relieve symptoms of a mental health issue affect cognition, motivation, and functionality. Crestview’s treatment program for people with co-occurring disorders offers hope, adventure, and the chance to start fresh. Whether you developed a mental health concern before or after you become chemically dependent, the…

Types of Mental Illness

Types of Mental Illness

Mental illness is something that affects people everywhere. No age, race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status is immune. While you can’t always tell which types of mental health disorders Portland, Oregon residents deal with most, it is helpful to learn about the types of mental illness and mental health treatments that exist. What Is Mental…