Woman wondering, "How long do prescription drugs stay in your system?"

How Long Do Prescription Drugs Stay in Your System?

When it comes to drug use in the United States, the primary concern used to be substances like cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. But in recent decades, prescription drug addiction treatment has become much needed. Like all drugs, opioids produce short-term effects that users crave and compulsively chase. What some users don’t consider, however, is the…

a bottle of pills raises the question what is oxycontin vs oxycodone

OxyContin vs Oxycodone

Millions of people in the United States abuse physician-prescribed opiate medications every day. Opiate abuse affects nearly everyone in the country in one way or another, whether directly or through loved ones. When discussing opiate addiction, it’s essential to know the difference between different types of medications. OxyContin vs oxycodone is an excellent place to…